Hello families! A warm welcome to the Year 5 area of the Sheringham website!
Below you'll find information on the curriculum for this term and your child's PE days.
What are Year 5 learning about in Summer term?
Welcome to Year 5's Spring Term Writing Topic! This term, our young writers are diving into the exciting world of science fiction. The students are exploring futuristic worlds, daring adventures, and creative new technologies as they write their very own science-fiction stories.
Throughout the term, the children will learn how to create captivating plots, develop intriguing characters, and build imaginative settings. They'll use their scientific knowledge and wild imagination to craft stories that take readers to outer space, strange planets, and distant futures. Whether it’s a robot revolution, an alien encounter, or a journey through time, the possibilities are endless!
The writing process will include brainstorming ideas, planning exciting storylines, and drafting their first chapters. Students will work on enhancing their descriptive writing skills, experimenting with dialogue, and weaving in suspense and excitement. At the end of the term, they'll showcase their final stories, filled with creativity and thrilling twists, ready to share with their classmates and families!
Stay tuned for updates as Year 5's aspiring authors bring their futuristic tales to life this spring!
During maths this term, our Year 5 Mathematicians will be continuing to consolidate their number fluency through a range of games at school and at home, as well as a weekly arithmetic test.
They will also be learning how to read, interpret and create graphs before moving onto developing their learning on fractions, decimals and percentages.
Having secure foundations such as times table knowledge and number bonds will ensure our mathematicians are confident and successful throughout the year - daily practice on BBC bitesize, Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars will support this.
Linking to our history learning on the Islamic Golden Age, Y5 readers will delve into the world of “Varjak Paw”, a Mesopotamian Blue kitten who leaves the safety of his home to learn “The Way” - a secret martial art for cats. Children will develop their reading skills by making inferences, connections and predictions to support their understanding of the text. They will have the opportunity to develop their critical thinking skills by engaging in richer discussions about the themes and stereotypes addressed in this book.
Following this, children will be reading the classic “Gangsta Granny” by David Walliams, where they will be learning how to read and analyse texts in reciprocal reading groups.
Please remember to read for 10 minutes every day with an adult and complete your R@Homebook every week.
Welcome to Year 5 Science! In science this term, we will embark on an exciting exploration of ‘properties and changes of materials’. Our Year 5 scientists will be conducting experiments and giving reasons based on evidence from comparative and fair tests. They will continue to develop their scientific skills by asking questions, making observations and drawing conclusions. Also, through their learning, children will learn to compare and group together every day materials on the basis of their properties, as well as investigating how solids, liquids and gases can be separated.
Through engaging lessons and interactive activities, students will develop essential ‘working scientifically’ skills such as:
- Observation
- Classification
- Data analysis
- Scientific inquiry.
They will also learn to:
- Ask questions
- Make predictions and form hypotheses
- Draw evidence-based conclusions.
Religious Education
This term our Year 5 children are investigating Beliefs about God. Children are encouraged to share their own views about God and listen to other’s views about God, including different religions and those without a religion. During discussions pupils will be able to explain the impact of people’s beliefs about the existence of God on their lives. Our children will look at Animal Law Cases and discuss how our beliefs influence actions and what different religions say about the lives and importance of animals.
In Spring, our Year 5 sports stars will brush up on their basketball skills with Mr Owusu. Students will gain confidence in controlling a ball (dribbling and shooting), as well as working as a team or individual in a competitive manner. In our second session of P.E with class teachers, our Y5’s will be focussing on some of the fundamental skills of attack and defence, putting their learning to use in invasion games such as football, netball and rugby.
Good daily habits such as a balanced nutritious diet, regular exercise and getting enough sleep will support their health and fitness. Getting active together and involving your child in food preparation is beneficial for the whole family!
Dreams and Goals is the theme of the citizens of Year 5. Children will reflect and participate in rich discussions about what their hopes and dreams are for the future. They will explore what people consider as success - do we all have similar views of what is successful? They will explore how people contribute to a society and how goals in some cultures may vary.
During the second half of this term, our Jigsaw piece is all about “Healthy Me”. Children will be learning about how to live a healthy lifestyle, focusing on the damaging effects of smoking and alcohol, as well as learning how to carry out emergency aid procedures (including the recovery position). Our Year 5s will also be taught about positive body image and how they can respect themselves for who they are.
This term, our Year 5 historians will be transported back in time and learn about the Islamic Golden Age. During this intriguing and insightful topic, children will be researching and asking questions about significant events, people and inventions during this time. Children will develop their understanding of key historical skills, including timelines, sourcework and chronology. They will also learn about the importance of Baghdad, the significance of the House of Wisdom and the impact this “Golden Age” had on life today!
DT (Cooking and Structures and Mechanisms)
In design and technology, our budding Year 5 chefs will be learning about the key components of a healthy meal and the impact that nutrition has on their life. We will be building on and improving our baking skills during our cooking unit, practising key skills of kneading, rolling, folding and mixing.
Later this term, our designers and inventors will complete a short topic where they will use their knowledge on Structures and Mechanisms to design, plan and build a freestanding structure. Keep your eyes peeled in future for some pictures and videos to show off their creations!
P.E Days
Please come to school wearing you P.E kit (jogging bottoms/leggings/white t-shirt, jumper and trainers) . Take note of the weather and make sure you dress appropriately for P.E.
Helpful Links:
- Develop your maths skills through Mathletics or Times Tables Rock Stars and fact fluency level you are on. If you have a 123 Maths log in, make sure you log on and practise key maths skills.
- Practise your spelling by clicking on year 5 and 6, choose the spelling rule, play free games and write sentences with spelling words.
- Log into your DuoLingo account for Spanish
- Computing - Touch typing / Create a new game on Scratch
- Don't forget there are also lots more fun activities on our subject pages!
If you are experiencing any difficulties accessing the content on this page please email info@sheringham.lihtrust.uk and someone will respond as soon as possible.