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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Blenhein Primary School



We believe that clubs are a valuable extension to the school day, allowing children additional opportunities to explore their interests, try new things, improve their wellbeing and work with a wider range of children and adults. Children who attend clubs regularly have expressed a sense of achievement and enjoyment that has resulted in increased confidence, motivation and commitment towards school life and their learning. At Sheringham Primary School we offer a variety of after-school clubs to support and inspire the different interests of the children. We use the skills and expert knowledge of staff as well as specialist outside organisations to run a range of clubs. 


"I love football club - it gives me the chance to develop my skills and play with my friends from other classes!"

Year 6 pupil

"We get to try so many different clubs at school - archery, gymastics, kick-boxing, chess - so much to choose from!"

Year 4 pupil

"I really appreicate that the school provides all their clubs at no cost to families - this means all children can join in, which I think is the right thing to do."

Parent of a Year 2 child

Year-Long Clubs

We offer a range of year-long clubs open to our Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 pupils. They will give children the opportunity to build up skills over a longer period of time, enabling them to perform, compete or showcase their learning over the course of the year. If they wish, children can bring a healthy snack to eat after school and before the club begins.  All clubs start at 3.30pm and finish at 4.15pm. 

This year, we have a fantastic offer of year-long clubs including:

  • Green Rangers (check out their webpage here!)
  • Football clubs
  • Wellbeing club 
  • Cricket club
  • Shakespeare club (who are rehearsing to take part in the Shakespeare School Festival in March!) 

Shorter-Term Clubs

We then provide a range of clubs which run for a 6 week block in Spring and Summer terms. These clubs are open to all children from Reception through to Year 6. If they wish, children can bring a healthy snack to eat after school and before the club begins.  All 6 week clubs start at 3.30pm and finish at 4.20pm. 

Children and parents are asked to fill in a Google form. They can choose as many clubs as they wish to select. Places are then allocated on a first come, first served basis. Unfortunately some clubs are very popular and fill up fast. However, we try our hardest to ensure that all children who show an interest in clubs do get a place, even though it may not have been their first choice. When your child gets a place in a club it is important that they attend each week as the place could have been offered to another child.

It was agreed by last year’s Pupil Leaders, that as clubs were an extension of the school day, the School Rules should continue to be followed in club sessions.

At Sheringham Primary School, the needs of our children are of paramount importance and their opinions matter. Through regular evaluations we assess whether we are running the clubs that the children want. We therefore try to change the clubs on offer each term to meet the demand. 

Your views are also important to us. If you have any ideas on clubs or have a particular area of expertise that you would like to share with us and the children then please do let us know.