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Blenhein Primary School



Writing at Sheringham

In Sheringham, classes learn about writing during their designated English sessions, which cover writing composition, speaking and listening, spelling, grammar and punctuation and handwriting. 

Our science and non-core curriculum sessions also provide opportunities for children to develop their skills for literacy further. High quality texts drive the teaching and learning and children are regularly provided opportunities to write, such as recording science investigations or writing reports in geography. The aim is to allow children to see how important and relevant their literacy skills are outside of the 'English lesson', giving them meaningful opportunities to apply their developing skills.

At Sheringham, classes learn how to craft writing within daily designated sessions.

In these lessons, they learn a range of literary features that, after quality talk, can be applied to writing. Alongside this, children are taught about spelling and handwriting, grammar and punctuation, which they can then apply as they write. A variety of text types and high quality models of writing are used to drive the teaching and learning, allowing the children to see how the literary skills learnt in lessons are used in a broad of opportunities. Writing should always have a purpose, and audience, and where possible, children are given opportunities to share and present their writing to others in the school or through the wider community. We strive for children to think of themselves as authors, really considering how they are able to impact the mind of the reader and develop an 'authors voice'.

To achieve this, the children need to experience the whole writing process of an author. This consists of:

  • Getting to know the text type.
  • Researching and planning
  • Drafting and editing their work to make improvements.
  • Publishing and presenting their work taking pride in their achievements.

Learning in English

English with Learning Challenge Overview

Published Pieces of Work

Quotes from our children about English:

 I like English because sometimes we predict and use a question mark at the end.

Saima (Year 1)

I like that I have finger spaces, my teacher tells me every day to use them.

Harsh (Year 1) 

I like writing about films, movies and stories. English is my favourite subject.

Vikyath (Year 2)

Yes, the best bit is that we can use adjectives for our writing and publish some stories.

Eliza (Year 2)

In drafting I get to spell words I'm not confident with and learning new words.

Han (Year 3)

It has different ideas and share ideas, I writing adventures.

Aqsaa (Year 4)

The best is you learn how to do reports and comics. I don't like it when I spell a word wrong.

Ishaque (Year 5)

I like learning about clauses, handwriting and learning new things.

Maria (Year 5)

It makes me think like an author.

Kevin (Year 6)

I really like English because it makes me think like an author and it paints images for people when I write.

Vanyza (Year 6)