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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Blenhein Primary School


At Sheringham, we know how much you want to support your children’s learning.

We provide home learning opportunites and support for all children, as this gives children the chance to practice and apply new learning, and gives parents an opportunity to support their child at home.

Home Reading

Reading at home is really important as it gives children time to develop their fluency, practice new skills and develop a love of reading. We encourage all children to read at home, either by enjoying a story with a family member or reading independantly. To support this, we provide the following:

  • Every child at Sheringham should be bringing home a book to read each week (they can request to change it more often, if they finish the book or want a change).
  • Children, parents and staff will use the R@HomeBook to record and celebrate home reading.
  • Children learning phonics will also bring home a levelled text or resources each week - this might be sound cards to practice reading, short books or other activities.
  • In addition, children in Reception - Year 3 (and Year 4 until December) have constant access to their Reading Eggs subscription, which enables them to access appropriate texts and try reading challenges, quizzes and games.

Ongoing Subscriptions

At Sheringham, we invest in a number of subscriptions to support home learning. Currently, these include:

Weekly Homework (Years 1- 6)

Each Friday, we set children a few homework tasks to complete to help consilidate the week's learning or prepare for the next week. Tasks are likely to include practising spelling, handwriting and maths fluency such as times table practice. 

All homework tasks can be seen on Google Classroom. Children also have a red homework book, where they can record their homework e.g. spelling practice. You'll also find children's logins to Google Classroom and their online subscriptions printed here too.


Home Projects

Before each school holiday (including half terms) we create a home project for children. These projects will often link to learning the children have done that term, or may be research for an upcoming topic. Home projects will often include activity ideas such as exploring the local area, seasonal experiences or opportunities to make and create things at home. We send these projects to children via thier Google Classroom page but always have printed versions available for children who cannot access the internet at home.