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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
Click here to find out more about the LiH Trust.

Blenhein Primary School


Sheringham Primary School is a community in which behaviour is based upon mutual respect and consideration for others.

The values, standards and attitudes of the school community are made clear to the children by example, lessons, dialogue, displays and assemblies, so that there are clear expectations of behaviour.

The school promotes three rights:

  1. The right to feel safe (emotionally/relationally/physically….).
  2. The right to learn (without undue/unfair distraction or disruption…..).
  3. The right to be treated with respect(fair treatment/equality).

Each class also has its own set of learning rules (suited to the age of the children) to help clarify these rights.

Rewards/ Recognition of Achievement

Dojos and VIP dinners

When a child shows great learning behaviours, they may earn a dojo.
When the children reach 50 dojos, they are invited to attend a special VIP dinner with school staff with jokes, prizes and some special surprises!

Some children will earn enough dojos for a second, or even third, VIP dinner!

Team Points

On entry to the school all children are put into a team colour, red, yellow, green or blue.

For good behaviour, working hard or being sensible the children earn team points that contribute to their team’s total, which also raises money for the team's chosen charity. Each Friday a team point assembly and the result is displayed in the hall and recorded on the team colour trees. At the end of each term a shield is awarded to the winning team and the money earned donated to their charities, which can be seen on our website homepage.
Click here to play our Friday assembly team point game! Or with a space theme! 

One of our Year 4 pupils has put together this version

Achievement Awards

Each half term one child in each class will be awarded an achievement medal.

These medals are given to the pupils who have made great progress and demonstrated awesome learning behaviours! The award takes the form of a medal which the children are able to keep.

Every half term a third award is presented in each KS1 and KS2 class to the child who has put the most effort into their homework research project.


When children break the class or school rules then they may be given a time-out sheet to complete, upon which they will have to identify for themselves the rules that they have broken and the effect that this may have on the rest of the school community. Children who continue to not respect our school rights may be given a detention, which is organised by senior teachers every lunchtime. If a child persistently displays anti-social behaviour, consultation is arranged between the teacher and parents so that an attempt can be made to correct the issue.
Issues of bullying will be dealt with by the class teacher and brought to the attention of a senior member of staff where persistent or serious.


While we always attempt to address behavioural issues in alternative ways, we will exclude children for a fixed period from one to five days if the behavioural incident is serious or repetitive enough. We follow Newham guidelines on this, and parents will always be informed at the earliest opportunity. We meet and discuss the reasons for the exclusion and positive steps forward during face-to-face meeting at the beginning of the exclusion and before the child returns to school. 

Education during exclusion

If your child is excluded for a fixed period the school is responsible for his or her education during that time. 

If your child is permanently excluded, it is the local authority’s responsibility to make sure your child’s education continues from day six of the exclusion. Your child’s education, from days one to five, is the responsibility of the school.

Exclusion: challenging the school governors’ decision

If you ask the governing body to review the head teacher’s decision, but you think the result is wrong, you can challenge the governors’ decision in some circumstances.

Fixed-period exclusions

If the school governors decide that a head teacher was right to exclude your child for a fixed period, you cannot challenge that decision. 

Permanent exclusions

If your child is permanently excluded and the governing body agrees with that exclusion, you can ask an independent panel to look at the case again.

To do this, you must apply to us (or to the academy trust if your child goes to an academy). You must apply within 15 school days of the governing body's meeting. 

The panel will either:

  • Agree with the exclusion of your child
  • Tell the governing body to think again about its decision
  • Overturn the decision and tell the governing body to think again about the exclusion. 

    See the Policies and Procedures page for a copy of our policy: