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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

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Blenhein Primary School

Welcome to Year 3

Below is information about what your child will be learning this term. Every Friday you'll also find homework on google classroom for your child to practise over the course of the week.  

 PE Days

Your child will have 2 PE sessions a week. One with their class teacher and another with our PE specialist. Please check your child’s PE day and ensure they are dressed in appropriate PE uniform on these days (jogging bottoms/leggings/white t-shirt, jumper and trainers)

Each class will have their PE lessons on:

3B (Ms Brady) 3W (Ms Wood) 3M (Ms Muldoon)
Monday (indoor) + Tuesday (outdoor)  Monday (indoor) + Tuesday (outdoor)  Monday (indoor) + Tuesday (outdoor) 

Autumn Curriculum


During this term your child will be focusing on using a range of reading strategies to support them in their reading and comprehension. We will be reading and exploring non-fiction texts in relation to geography and science, in addition to reading our Summer read, Wiggles Bottom Primary and our core texts, The Journey Home, Izzy Gizmo and The Tin Forest. 

Your child will be practising and revisiting the following strategies in their reading lessons:  

  • Retrieval
  • Making Connections
  • Clarifying
  • Summarising


Reading at Home

We will continue to work on our reading habits, encouraging all children to change their books regularly and bring their Rhome books in everyday. We encourage every child to read at home everyday for 10 minutes at least and record it in their R@home book. Children will also have access to their Reading Eggs accounts, where they can read online books and practise comprehension questions. 


In writing we will be looking at a range of writing text types this term: 

  • stories set in other cultures
  • stories with familiar settings
  • Explanation text (linked to geography)
  • Stories with a clear dilemma

Within these texts they will be continuing to focus on:

  • putting their full stops in correctly
  • using capital letters to start a sentence, for proper nouns and I 
  • using fronted adverbials
  • using a range of simple and compound sentences
  • using commas within a list
  • using and punctuating direct speech



We will continue to teach children both print and cursive writing depending on where each individual child is at with their handwriting. Handwriting lessons will be taught at least 2-3 times weekly.


During this term we will be learning about the following maths topics: 

Numbers to 1000:  This chapter covers numbers up to 1000 and focuses on the value of each digit: place value. Pupils will learn how to compose and decompose numbers, compare, order and look for patterns.

Addition and Subtraction:  The chapter starts off with simple addition before moving on to addition where renaming is required. Subtraction is also covered in a similar way where simple subtraction is mastered before moving to subtraction where renaming is required. Once pupils master addition and subtraction, they start to look at problem-solving questions and practice using bar models.

Multiplication and Division:  Pupils will cover the multiplication and division of 3, 4 and 8. Pupils will then get to use their experience of multiplication and division to solve word problems.

Throughout the term and year, we will also be working on a range of basic fluency skills, where children will be practising their number facts such as:

  • Counting on in 4s, 8s, 50s and 100s
  • Partitioning numbers to 1000 to support addition and subtraction 
  • Mentally adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers by looking at hundreds, tens and ones
  • Mental addition and subtraction with 2 digits where the answer exceeds 100
  • Recalling 3, 4 and 8 times table and connecting through doubling

We use https://play.ttrockstars.com/ to help with times tables practice. You can find your child's log in on the front cover of their homework book.

Children will also be given time to practise previous learning 2-3 times a week within a quadrant as well as consolidating their numbers to 20, four times a week.

Throughout the term and year, we will also be working on a range of basic fluency skills, where children will be practising their number facts such as:

  • Counting on in 4s, 8s, 50s and 100s
  • Partitioning numbers to 1000 to support addition and subtraction 
  • Mentally adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers by looking at hundreds, tens and ones
  • Mental addition and subtraction with 2 digits where the answer exceeds 100
  • Recalling 3, 4 and 8 times table and connecting through doubling

We use https://play.ttrockstars.com/ to help with times tables practice. You can find your child's log in on the front cover of their homework book. 

Jigsaw PSHE

 Autumn 1: Unit title - Being Me in my world

This unit will include the following lessons: 

    • recognise their worth and can identify positive things about themselves and their achievements.
    • set personal goals
    • face new challenges positively, make responsible choices and ask for help when they need it
    • understand why rules are needed and how they relate to rights and responsibilities
    • understand that their actions affect themselves and others and care about other people’s feelings
    • make responsible choices and take action
    • understand their actions affect others and try to see things from their points of view


Autumn 2: Celebrating Difference

 This unit will include the following lessons: 

  1. Children will learn that everybody’s family is different and important to them
  2. They will understand that differences and conflicts sometimes happen among family members
  3. Pupils will know what it means to be a witness to bullying
  4. Children will know that witnesses can make the situation better or worse by what they do
  5. They will learn to recognise that some words are used in hurtful ways
  6. Children can tell you about a time when my words affected someone’s feelings and what the consequences were (positively and negatively). They will practise giving someone a compliment too! 



Importance of Light for Your Vision | Advanced Eye Medical Group - Blog

This term in science, your child will continue to work scientifically and begin to explore the topic of light. During the light unit, your child will be learning the following: 

  • To recognise that we need light in order to see things and that dark is the absence of light.
  • To notice that light is reflected from surfaces.
  • To recognise that light from the sun can be dangerous and there are ways to protect our eyes.
  • To recognise that shadows are formed when the light from a light source is blocked by an object.
  • To find patterns in the way that the size of shadows change throughout the day.


Design and Technology

 Lesson 3: Making pneumatic toys    PNEUMATIC MONSTERS ACTIVITY CLASSROOM KIT (30) - Science2LifeCreating a moving monster - DT class kit


This term, we will be focusing on the domain Structures and Mechanisms. Students will learn about pneumatic systems and how they work. They will then have the opportunity to create their own toy monster using pneumatics to make it move. Throughout the two weeks, children will learn to design, make and evaluate their work. Some skills they will be using to create their monster toy will include: 

  • select and use a wider range of materials and components, including functional properties, recyclability and aesthetic qualities.
  • apply their understanding of how to strengthen, stiffen and reinforce more complex structures
  • measure and mark out to the nearest millimetre.
  • select the appropriate cutting, shaping, joining and finishing techniques and apply them with increasing accuracy.

Physical Education

What are Rolls in Gymnastics? - Physical Education - Twinkl                     How To Do a Backward Roll (step by step) - Synergy Gymnastics

During Autumn 1, Year 3 will be learning to master their skills in gymnastics. 

  • To practise rolling forwards and sideways on a soft level surface with support. Introduce backwards roll supported down a wedge.
  • To explore symmetrical shapes with a partner using apparatus.

    To explore asymmetric shapes with a partner using apparatus.

  • To combine asymmetric & symmetrical shapes on the apparatus with a partner.
  • To explore  symmetric & asymmetric balances with a partner. 


In Autumn 2, Year 3 will learn handball skills