Why PSHE is important
We want Sheringham children to grow up to be happy, confident and respectful adults ready to face the challenges and responsibilities they will face. Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education is a subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes to stay healthy, safe and to prepare them for life and work in modern Britain. We believe our current situation makes it more important than ever that children have this safe place to share their feelings, worries and questions.
How our PSHE curriculum is designed
Our curriculum follows the JIGSAW PSHE syllabus.
JIGSAW session are taught weekly following the established whole school programme of study. We follow the six termly themes; Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships, Changing Me.
Our assemblies are often linked to the pieces in Jigsaw too. As well as Jigsaw PSHE, teachers integrate PSHE into the curriculum through other areas such as geography and science. At Sheringham, we our proud of how we safeguard our children through workshops, to ensure that every child knows how to keep themselves safe.
The teaching of RSHE follows our school Policy. The aim of it is to support children in developing safe relationships, self-esteem and making well-informed decisions. We use an adapted version of Jigsaw, through the Changing Me piece for all children in Summer term, as well as teaching for some year groups through science when learning about animals. Year 6 parents will be invited in every year to discuss the lessons and see more resources.
jigsawpshe whole school mapping.pdf
Sheringham children will take part in workshops run by…
- Male and female role models in a range of careers
- The MET police
- Ex gang members on how to avoid being forced into criminal activity
- Experts on the dangers of drugs and alcohol
- The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
- Online Safety experts
- The London Fire Brigade
We also hold various sessions for parents throughout the year.