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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Blenhein Primary School

School Meals

The school is fortunate to have its own kitchen, which enables high-quality meals to be cooked on site.


A sample menu is provided on the link below so you can see the sort of amazing food that is provided for our children. In Newham, all primary-aged pupils will be entitled to a free school dinner.

If you know that your child is going to be late for school, because of a medical appointment for example, please let the school office know in advance so that we can book a dinner for them. No further school dinners can be booked after 11.00 a.m.

If your child brings a packed lunch to school they should place their lunch box in the designated trolley as they come into school. Packed lunches should not contain any glass bottles, fizzy drinks or cans, and should be consumed in the dining hall. In line with our healthy schools policy we would ask you to pay particular consideration to the contents of your child’s packed lunch to ensure that they receive a healthy balanced meal.

If your child goes home to dinner they should not return to school until ten minutes from the end of their lunchtime (for staggered lunchtimes see above)

Children in reception will be provided with fruit and milk and Years 1 and 2 with fruit; children are allowed to bring a snack into school for break time. This could be in the form of a piece of fruit, a muesli bar, or a snack pack of raisins. Chocolate, biscuits and sweets are not permitted. Children may also bring in a carton of juice to drink. Every child in the school is issued with a water bottle at the start of the year, to use for refreshment during the day. They are filled by monitors, using filtered water, in each class. There are also water fountains around the school for children to use during break and lunchtimes.

School Meals in Newham - Information about school meals in our borough, including menus and nutritional information