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Blenhein Primary School

Welcome to S Class! 

S Class is one class with three main learning pathways: Semi-Formal, Building Independence and Exploratory.

Children who access the Exploratory pathway have a higher level of need; sessions include highly engaging activities in order to develop early communication and personal care skills. Learning is often child-led, focus on sensory needs and exploration.

Children who access the Building Independence pathway have a variety of needs and are beginning to build their skills in regulation and attention to complete more adult directed tasks. Sessions aim to develop key skills such as listening, communicating and developing relationships in order for children to become more independent. Learning is interactive, multi-sensory and focussed on children’s interests to ensure participation. 

Children who access the Semi-Formal pathway have a wide range of needs. Sessions are targeted towards developing and applying key skills including listening, focused attention and speaking. Learning is brought to life through child led topics and children access parts of the National Curriculum.

In each pathway, we emphasise the importance of communication skills, social interaction,  self-regulation, physical development as well as the foundations for mathematical understanding and literacy skills. Pupils are working towards individual learning outcomes which are developed, set and supported by the class teacher, SENCO (special educational needs co-ordinator) and other professionals such as speech and language therapists and occupational therapists. 


Summer Term  Curriculum

Exploratory Pathway 

Each term, we have a theme that is designed to engage and excite the children. This term, the theme is London Town and each child will have an opportunity to explore and learn new words based on the themes in the daily continuous provision. 

Language Development 

There are many opportunities for children to develop their language throughout the day, from our hello routine in the morning to role play activities and enjoying stories in class. We encourage children to use a Sign-along or a Core Vocabulary Board, if necessary, to support their communication. Children in S Class also have a personalised language curriculum that is developed by NHS Speech and Language Therapists and implemented in our weekly timetable.

Each day, an adult will use Box Clever intervention techniques to model and encourage language development.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

Everyday, children are supported with developing their PSED through carefully planned activities such as calming time, self- regulation breaks and turn taking. 

Children will be supported to manage their emotional regulation and interactions with others throughout the school day. To help develop this, they also have weekly Zones of Regulation interventions led by an adult. They will develop their social skills by being supported with interacting with peers and sharing their learning space with others.

Physical Development

S Class have PE on Thursdays - please make sure children are wearing appropriate clothes to participate in physical activity - e.g. jogging trousers or leggings and a t-shirt. 


We will be following the BEAM program this half term; this helps children to build their core muscles and coordination.

Sensory circuit

Each day, our children engage in a sensory circuit that develops their gross motor control. It is a programme which focuses on ‘alerting, organisation and calming’ to enable children to focus concentration in readiness for the day’s learning. The circuit also encourages the development of the child’s sensory processing skills.

Fine motor development

Children will be participating in tactile exploration to develop their mark making, threading and cutting skills through a range of creative, messy and writing activities. This is all aimed at developing their fine motor skills which will help with eating, writing, playing and dressing.


Each week, children will have the opportunity to make a range of sweet and savoury food. They focus on developing key skills such as chopping, grating, mixing and rolling. During our weekly cooking sessions we bring in opportunities for communication development, maths learning, reading and following instructions. 

We also learn about healthy foods, food hygiene and safety in a kitchen (we do our weekly learning in the school’s DT room). The children take home their food each week to encourage discussion and celebration with parents and carers. Look out for delicious dishes every Wednesday and please return the containers.

Early Maths

In S Class we have maths activities that children access throughout the school day during continuous provision. They will also work with an adult to support them on a focused maths activity such as: 

  • Numeral recognition
  • Counting with 1:1 correspondence
  • Sorting objects
  • Developing our spatial awareness

Early Writing

To develop children’s fine motor skills and early writing understanding, we have a range of writing opportunities throughout the school day. The children are encouraged and supported to complete at least one of these tasks each day and we ensure there is a variety of engaging activities to choose from.

Early Reading

In the Exploratory pathway, children follow the pre-phonics programme which is the first part of learning to read. Each week, the children focus and consolidate a new sound. We also sing lots of songs that help the children develop their sound knowledge and understanding. Each child has a Reading Eggs login that is a fantastic online programme to help them learn their sounds.

Building Independence 

Each term, we have a theme that is designed to engage and excite the children. This term, the theme is London Town and each child will have an opportunity to explore and learn new words based on the themes in the daily continuous provision. 

Each day, an adult will use Box Clever intervention techniques to model and encourage language development. Displayed below are some examples of the provision in the classroom. This term, we will focus on some Geography and History learning within group learning and supported activities.


All children will enjoy high-quality stories as part of their curriculum. Joining in with familiar texts, learning about new vocabulary, talking about what we can see and linking stories to our play will be part of our curriculum each week.


Children will be following the RWI programme at the stage appropriate to the current development. Some children will also have access to a specialised reading programme to help develop their skills in reading and writing. You can also use the Reading Eggs programme to support your children’s learning.


Language Development

There are many opportunities for children to develop their language throughout the day, from our hello routine in the morning to role play activities and enjoying stories in class. We encourage children to use a Core Vocabulary Board, if necessary, to support their communication. Children in AL also have a personalised language curriculum that is developed by NHS Speech and Language Therapists and implemented in our weekly timetable. 


Everyday, children have the opportunity to develop their fine motor skills and early writing skills during continuous provision. This is often linked to the termly theme, such as London Town and through a variety of different resources for example, cutting, gluing, threading, writing and printing. 

Every week, children have 1:1 writing sessions that are based on the story they are currently reading. For example, this may involve cutting up sentences and ordering with support or coming up with and writing describing words about an image from the story.


In S Class we have daily maths activities that children access throughout the school day during continuous provision. They will also work with an adult to support them on a focussed maths activity such as: 

  • Numeral recognition
  • Counting with 1:1 correspondence
  • Sorting objects 

In the Summer Term, children will be learning all about Money and Time as well as revisiting the previous learning taught this year.

Physical Development

S Class has lots of opportunities during the school day to be active and focus on physical development. They have a P.E lesson every week, which is led by the SENCo and a P.E. specialist teacher. In the Spring Term we will be following the BEAM program; this helps children to build their core muscles and develop their coordination.

Sensory circuit

Each day, our children engage in a sensory circuit that develops their gross motor control. It is a programme which focuses on ‘alerting, organisation and calming’ to enable children to focus concentration in readiness for the day’s learning. The circuit also encourages the development of the child’s sensory processing skills.

Fine motor development

Children will be participating in tactile exploration to develop their mark making, threading and cutting skills through a range of creative, messy and writing activities.


Everyday, children are supported with developing their PSED through carefully planned activities such as calming time, self- regulation breaks and turn taking.


Each week children will have the opportunity to cook a range of sweet and savoury food. They enjoy developing skills in chopping, grating, mixing and more. Look out for delicious dishes every Wednesday and please return the containers.



All children will enjoy high-quality stories as part of their curriculum. Joining in with familiar texts, learning about new vocabularly, talking about what we can see and linking stories to our play will be part of our curriculum each week.


In phonics, children will continue to learn sounds following the RWI programme. They will use these sounds to read books appropriate to their reading level.  In addition to daily phonics, we shall also be sharing a class story with the children every day. It is really important that children become familiar with quality texts as this supports their comprehension and language development.

Each Friday, children will bring home a book from the class library for you to read at home. You can also use the Reading Eggs programme to support your children’s learning.


In English, we will be reading lots of high quality texts to engage children and spark their imagination. We will use these books as a stimulus for writing, drama and artwork, with a strong focus on developing language. We will also be linking our English to our ‘London Town’ topic, using books such as The Naughty Bus, Paddington at the Palace and Maisy goes to London.

Children will be learning how to write a simple sentence and develop skills including:

  • Using the sounds they have learned in phonics to write words.
  • Learning to build sentences by practising out loud before they write.
  • Using a capital letter, finger spaces and full stops.
  • Using colourful semantics to support sentence writing


In S Class, we have daily maths activities that children access throughout the school day during continuous provision. The children will also have carpet sessions that focus on the key maths learning of that week, such as numbers-bonds, addition, shapes etc. 

In Summer Term our maths learning will focus on:

  • Money (understanding quantity and recognising money)
  • Time (understanding the concept and early time reading)

As well as revisiting the other areas of maths taught: 


  • Counting with 1:1 correspondence
  • Partitioning numbers into tens and ones
  • Adding and subtracting 
  • Understanding more and less
  • Recalling number bonds

Each child has a Numbots login to help them practise and develop their number knowledge.


In art we will be focusing our art work around our topic of London Town. We will explore textures and use a range of different media to create a variety of pieces of work. 

Alongside the key learning of each lesson, children will be encouraged to explore and be creative in other ways during continuous provision through printing, painting, glueing, drawing etc.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE)

Our whole school JIGSAW theme this half term is ‘Being Me in My World’, where we will be learning about what to do when we feel worried and how we can make our time at school as happy, fair and safe as possible.

Geography & History

The topic for Summer Term is London Town and we will be incorporating lots of learning activities and lessons based on the children’s interests. 

There will be lots of opportunities to cover some of the following Geography & History, National Curriculum objectives: 

  • Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles
  • Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to: key physical features, including: beach, cliff, coast, forest, hill, mountain, sea,
  • ocean, river, soil, valley, vegetation, season and weather
  • Key human features, including: city, town, village, factory, farm, house, office, port, harbour and shop
  • Changes within living memory. 
  • Events beyond living memory that are significant nationally or globally [for example, the Great Fire of London, the first aeroplane flight or events commemorated through festivals or anniversaries]
  • Significant historical events, people and places


Everyday, children are supported with developing their PSED through carefully planned activities such as calming time, self- regulation breaks and turn taking.


S Class has lots of opportunities during the school day to be active and focus on physical development. They have a P.E lesson every week, which is led by the SENcO and a P.E. specialist teacher. In the Spring Term we will be following the BEAM program; this helps children to build their core muscles and develop their coordination.

Sensory Circuit

Each day, our children engage in a sensory circuit that develops their gross motor control. It is a programme which focuses on ‘alerting, organisation and calming’ to enable children to focus concentration in readiness for the day’s learning. The circuit also encourages the development of the child’s sensory processing skills.

You can visit our subject pages to find out more about how we learn across the curriculum at Sheringham.

Educational visits

Each year, we organise a range of educational visits and enrichment experiences to enhance children's learning. For different pathways and age groups, this may include going to the park, swimming lessons, visiting the farm, going to the shops and taking public transport to visit buildings and areas of interest, among many other things!


Important information 

Snack and water bottles 

Fruit and bagels are provided for children in school but you are welcome to still provide a healthy snack of your child's choice.



Each week, children will have the opportunity to make a range of sweet and savoury food. They focus on developing key skills such as chopping, grating, mixing and rolling. During our weekly cooking sessions we bring in opportunities for communication development, maths learning, reading and following instructions.

We also learn about healthy foods, food hygiene and safety in a kitchen (we do our weekly learning in the school’s DT room). The children take home their food each week to encourage discussion and celebration with parents and carers. 

We cook on a Wednesday afternoon so look out for some delicious food every Wednesday! Please return the containers each week.

As we head into the colder month of the year, please make sure children have a warm coat every day and wearing appropriate footwear.


We provide children with Reading Eggs and Numbots accounts so that they can access them from home. Please talk to your child's teacher for advise on how to use these subscriptions.

Children also borrow a book each week and we would love for families to spend time enjoying the stories together. 

Each half term, we send home a 'home project' with activity ideas for the holidays.