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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
Click here to find out more about the LiH Trust.

Blenhein Primary School

School Governors

The Governors of Sheringham Primary School are committed to supporting the school to become the best provision possible both for our own students and as a community and borough resource.

They are dedicated to the school and are effective in helping define the strategic direction of the school and questioning and challenging to ensure excellent practice across all areas of school development.

As in other multi-academy trusts, our Local Governing Body is accountable to Trust Directors and plays a fundamental advisory role to this higher Board. For more information about the Learning in Harmony Trust’s governance structures, please visit the dedicated Trust page on our website. 


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The CEO of the Trust, Gary Wilkie 


The aim of our governing body is to be open and approachable. Therefore we are keen to hear from you if you have any questions relating to the school from a strategic perspective. To reach us please drop an email to info@sheringham.lihtrust.uk or leave a message at the school reception with your question and we will come back to you. Please mention which governor you would like to respond to your enquiry. Thank you.

The following is a list of governing body members and their area of responsibility.

Name Position End of Term
Jim Johnson Executive Headteacher n/a
James Tancock Headteacher n/a
Ben Spinks Co-opted Governor 29.11.26
Georgiana Watt Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair 27.01.28
Tracey Inverary Co-opted Governor 12.05.25
Hasnain Ahmed Co-opted Governor 12.05.25
Heidi Hinchliffe Co-opted Governor 23.09.26
Mal Pinder Co-opted Governor 17.07.27
Ryan MacGillivray Co-opted Governor 17.07.27
Bairavi Selvarajah Co-opted Governor 16.01.29
Tosin Shodeyi Co-opted Governor 13.09.27
Sarah Muldoon Staff Governor 02.03.27
Abdul Harun Parent Governor 02.03.27
Saif Rahman Parent Governor 13.09.27

The Chair of Governors can be contacted via the school office. info@sheringham.lihtrust.uk

Former Governors (Departures in the Last 12 Months)

There have been no departures in the last 12 months.

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