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Blenhein Primary School


welcome to Year 4!

Hello families! A warm welcome to the Year 4 area of the Sheringham website!

 Please find all the information about our Year Group and the upcoming Spring Term.


This term your child will be learning the following:


This term your child will continue to develop reading strategies that they have previously learnt. These include: inferring, making connections, evaluating and clarifying.

It is important that you ask your child what strategy they are learning in school so that they can share this with you and practice it at home with you too. Some texts that we will be reading this term include Anthony Browne's ‘Voices in the Park’, ‘ and ‘Leon and the Place Between’ as well as some Non-fiction texts to support our R.E. learning in Hinduism.

Reading @home

We will continue to work on our reading habits, encouraging all children to change their books regularly and bring their Rhome books in every day. We encourage every child to read at home every day for 10 minutes at least and record it in their R@home book. Children will also have access to their Reading Eggs accounts, where they can read online books and practise comprehension questions questions.


This term in writing we will cover a range of text types. These include starting off with writing a myth to then moving on to an explanation text as well as a persuasive letter after the February half term. Some grammar features we will be looking at and revising include:

  • Complex sentences
  • Speech
  • Fronted adverbials 
  • Expanded noun phrases


We will also continue to focus on handwriting and encourage children to take their time and write neatly. Many children received a pen licence in the Autumn term and we want to hand out loads more!


In maths this term, we are going to be covering the following units:

Further multiplication and division

In this chapter, children will further develop their understanding of multiplication and division. They will learn how to divide and multiply by 1 and 0 and understand the law of commutativity. They will learn how to multiply three numbers together using prior knowledge of multiplication tables. We will be looking at word problems which will encourage children to use short multiplication as well as dividing 3-digit numbers.


In this chapter, children will be introduced to hundredths. They will learn about mixed number fractions and improper fractions. They will learn how to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions. They will learn how to add and subtract fractions and will solve addition and subtraction word problems.

We use https://play.ttrockstars.com/ to help with times tables practice. Your child will have a login for this from Year 2, so please make sure they are using this resource regularly at home. 

Jigsaw PSHE

The two topics we will cover include, ‘Dreams and Goals’, and ‘Healthy Me’. We will look at the difference between a dream and a goal and reflect on ourselves as individuals and what we have achieved so far. It may include an achievement award or an award for something outside of school. We will then start to talk about how we can be a healthy individual, thinking about what we eat and exercise we can do.


In the first half term, we will be completing a History unit learning about Romans, Saxons and Vikings. We will have a special visitor come into school and share with us what life was like during this particular period of History and allow us to take part in some activities. We will be learning about how the Romans, Saxons and Vikings invaded different countries and the famous ‘Alfred the Great!’

After the February half term, we will then move on to Science and ‘Sound and Electricity.’ We will be exploring circuits and attempting to make a lightbulb light up. We will ask scientific questions and carry out experiments. We will begin to understand how we hear sound and think about the vibrations that happen when we hear a sound.  Following on from our science unit, we will use our knowledge to help us create some kind of bridge structure to allow cars to cross and use a circuit to allow the bridge to light up at night.

Indoor PE

This term we will be doing gymnastics. We will build on our skills from Year 3 and think about our starting and finishing posture when creating a gymnastics routine. We will learn the steps to vaulting and think about the positioning of our feet, arms and bent knees.