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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Blenhein Primary School

Sheringham Primary School Newsletter

Friday 28th February 2025


Welcome Back

Welcome back to everybody. We’re excited to see the children back in school, ready for a fantastic term of learning and growth. 


Dates for Your Diary

Friday 7th March

Sheringham Celebrates World Book Day

Wednesday 12th March

Class Photos

Wednesday 19th March

Year 4 Parent Workshop 

Wednesday 19th March 

Shakespeare Festival 

Friday 21st March 

Year 5 Rocksteady Concert (invite only) from 2.45 pm-3.30 pm

Wednesday 26th March

Parents’ Evening 3:40-7:30pm - information to be released soon

Friday 28th March 

Parents’ Evening 2:40-4:30pm - information to be released soon

Friday 4th April

School closes for Easter Holiday at 1:30pm

Tuesday 22nd April

First day back after Easter Holiday


World Book Day Friday 7th March 

We are excited to celebrate Work Book Day next Friday, 7th March, with a cozy pyjama party! Children are encouraged to wear their favourite pyjamas or comfy clothes that they may wear for bedtime reading, but please ensure they have appropriate footwear for the school day.   


It has been lovely to see so many children this week! Attendance has been at a record high so a big thank you to everybody for making a big effort to get your children to school every day of the week. If you find this a challenge and would like some help, please do get in touch with our Attendance Officer, Ms Shahzad or speak to one of our learning mentors.

To make communication easier, we have a new email address, attendance@sheringham.lihtrust.uk which you should send medical evidence and medical appointments to, so that absence can be authorised.


With Ramadan approaching we know that there are a number of our older pupils who will want to fast. Please see the attached letter to understand our approach.

Check out what Reception has been up to.

We have enjoyed the sunnier days this week and have spent more time outdoors. Some of the reception children have been digging for worms. We put the worms on the table and observed them wiggle. Did you know worms' bodies are made up of segments and covered in very tiny hairs?