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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Blenhein Primary School

How We Learn At Sheringham

The way your child learns may be quite different to how you learnt at school!

At Sheringham Primary we make sure our teachers keep up to date with the latest developments in teaching and learning.

How we learn

Our curriculum has been carefully designed to ensure children’s knowledge and understanding builds over time. We use the national curriculum as well as subject-specific expert guidance to inform our curriculum planning, with subjects leaders and specialists from our school, the Trust and local secondary school, providing guidance and support to ensure that progress and outcomes are strong in every subject.

We regularly review our curriculum offer, making sure that it draws on the current research & good practice and meets the needs of our children. Using Department for Education approved schemes such as Maths No Problem and RWI (Read, Write Inc) ensures that we provide a welll-sequenced, cohorent curriculum that enables children to make good progress and master the key concepts in each subject.

Children are taught individual subjects discretely to ensure they develop skills and knowledge within each subject discipline, understanding what makes a ‘geographer’ or ‘scientist’. We block units together, so that children spent several weeks immersed in a subject and have the time to develop their skills and follow lines of enquiry after developing a core bank of knowledge. 

Linking learning to the world around them through visits, workshops and enquiry based on the children’s own interests is vital; children’s fascinations are piqued and interests broadened as they gain knowledge, ask questions and interrogate information they acquire. Children often work collaboratively to explore and problem solve, with challenges that serve to develop resilience, confidence and motivation to excel. 

Some subjects are taught by specialists during teachers’ PPA sessions; children participate in music, PE, philosophy, drama, computing and Spanish (for KS2) sessions that run on a weekly basis. This model allows for a genuine depth of learning, supported by expert teaching and high expectations for outcomes.

Units and enrichment experiences are designed to both reflect the diverse, urban context of our school community as well as broaden experiences beyond children’s own lived reality. Finding out about and celebrating London and the local area is a fundamental component of our curriculum, with local history and geography units enhanced by visits to sites of local, national and global significance. 

Teachers use their established pedagogy of responsive teaching to ensure they regularly assess children’s understanding, provide feedback and adapt the learning. Learning Journey books capture the learning across a unit, providing ongoing reflection opportunities both within the topic and beyond, as they are utilised to ensure that subsequent learning builds on the foundation of what came before. 

Our non-core units end with an ‘outcome’: a planned opportunity for children’s knowledge and understanding to be synthesised, shared and celebrated. Children present to an audience, often parents or another year-group, or make videos, websites or booklets. We are really proud of our children’s amazing outcomes across the curriculum, for example their incredible musical performances; you can explore these in our subject pages and year group sections.

You can read more about teaching and learning in our policy.

This is what your child may tell you about their learning:

I often work with my ‘Learning Partner’: we share our ideas; plan our work; and think about our learning together. This helps us both. We change partners regularly and they’re chosen randomly.

We are encouraged to be good learners, including: being resilient; finding links and connections; adapting to change; being curious; and being creative to solve problems. 

I know that it’s OK if I make a mistake in my work. If I got everything right, that would probably mean the work was too easy for me anyway!

I love a challenge. I know that when I'm first learning something it might be difficult, but I'll keep trying  - that's how I'm going to learn the most!
 Sometimes we learn inside the classroom and sometimes we learn outside! Sometimes I might go to different parts of the school to learn or even to the local park! 
We go on lots of educational visits every year. We go to museums, shows, parks, castles ... even the London Eye!