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Blenhein Primary School


Children start to learn to read using RWI, a phonics scheme, in Reception and carry on until they have moved through the entire programme, which usually takes until Year 1 or Year 2.

Set 1 Sounds

All children in Reception and Year 1 are being taught these sounds but it takes lots of practice to learn them, so you can use these ideas every day or as often as you can.

Here is a video showing you all the Set 1 sounds (watch up until 1 minute 15 seconds). Practice along with the video and then use this sound book, the Set 1 Speed Sounds slideshow or the sound cards sent home before the closure to practise reading them speedily.

Red Words

There are lots of red words we have to learn - here is a list of 10 words to practice reading and spelling. 











You could write them 3 times in a row, like this: 

Look and say

Look, say, cover, write

Look, say, cover, write

Look, say, cover, write










Online Games and Activities

Oxford Owl - free eBooks

After the lesson why not head to Oxford Owl to read a free eBook. You will need to create a free account to start, then you can find suitable books using the link below or searching under ‘Levels’ for ‘Read Write Inc Levels’ and choosing a colour from below.

Not sure which books your child should be reading - start with Sounds Blending and work your way down. Your child should be able to confidently sound out and blend each word. You should read each book at least 3 times, as they would at school: once to read the words correctly, a second time with more fluency, and a third time in a ‘storyteller voice’ that shows their understanding.

Sounds Blending Books


Red Books


Green Books


Purple Books


Phonics Games - Phonics Play

Once you’ve completed your sounds lesson and practised reading a book, head to Phonics Play for a selection of free games to continue practising your sounds. Children working on Set 1 sounds should play games on the ‘phase 2’ setting.

Make sure you sign in for free to get access to the complete set of resources using the details below:


Username: march20

Password: home

Offline Games and Activities

Fred Says

Can you talk like Fred the Frog? Give instructions using Fred Talk.

Put your hands on your ‘h-ea-d’, 

Put your finger on your ‘n-o-se’

Or give actions

Can you ‘j-u-m-p’

Go and get your ‘c-oa-t’ 

Sound Hunt

Work through the sound chart in the front of your R@homebook, how many items can you find that start with the sound ‘b’




Repeat for other sounds from the sound chart - take turns choosing your favourites!


Play I-spy using sounds

I spy something beginning with ‘c’




Sounds Board/Book 

Make your own picture board/ book using the sounds chart in the front of your R@homebook:

Track games

Create a simple game of snakes and ladders or a track to race along using words with three sounds.

Set 2 Sounds

Some children in Reception and Years 1 & 2 will have been taught Set 2 Sounds. If your child is in ‘green group’ ‘purple group’ or ‘pink group’ then they can practice these sounds here

Practice along with the video and then use the Set 2 Speed Sounds slideshow or the sound cards sent home before the closure to practise reading them speedily. You can also practise reading green words with the sounds you’ve learned on the Speedy Green Word slideshow. 

 Red Words

They can also learn these red words:











You can also look at the back of your R@Homebook to see the 100 high frequency words.

You could write them 3 times in a row, like this: 

Look and say

Look, say, cover, write

Look, say, cover, write

Look, say, cover, write













Try and use them in a sentence, like this:

We like to play at the park,

I like cats and dogs.

Online Games and Activities

Oxford Owl - free eBooks

After the lesson why not head to Oxford Owl to read a free eBook. You will need to create a free account to start, then you can find suitable books using the link below or searching under ‘Levels’ for ‘Read Write Inc Levels’ and choosing a colour from below.

Not sure which books your child should be reading - start with Green Books and work your way down. Your child should be able to confidently sound out and blend each word. You should read each book at least 3 times, as they would at school: once to read the words correctly, a second time with more fluency, and a third time in a ‘storyteller voice’ that shows their understanding.

Green Books


Purple Books


Pink Books


Orange Level

Phonics Games - Phonics Play

Once you’ve completed your sounds lesson and practised reading a book, head to Phonics Play for a selection of free games to continue practising your sounds. Children working on Set 2 sounds should play games on the ‘phase 3 or 4’ setting.

Make sure you sign in for free to get access to the complete set of resources using the details below:

Username: march20

Password: home

Offline Games and Activities

Draw and label

Draw a picture and label it or write a sentence using the sounds you know to help you.

Set the clock

Set the timer to 1 minute. How many words can you write with the ‘ay’ sound? Play with someone at home - who got the most words?

Choose another Set 2 sound to play with. 

Mixed up sounds

Pick 3 sounds, what words can you make by moving them around? Watch Mr Thorne to see how it's done.

Track games

Create a simple game or a track to race along using words with Set 2 sounds.

Real vs Alien words

Create your own game of Obb and Bob. Write down a selection of real and Alien words and feed them to the correct brother.

Set 2 sound bingo

Each player chooses six Set 2 sounds and writes them down. The bingo caller then reads out the sounds. If you have that sound cross it off!

You can use these games to help you learn your red and high frequency words too, just put in the words instead of the sounds.


Set 3 Sounds

Some children Reception and Years 1 & 2 will have been taught Set 3 Sounds. If your child is in ‘pink group’, ‘orange group’, ‘yellow group’, ‘blue group’, ‘grey group’ or ‘literacy group’ then they can practice their Set 2 and 3 sounds here. It is really important that children continue to practise their Set 2 sounds alongside learning their Set 3 sounds.

Practice along with the video and then use the Set 3 Speed Sounds slideshow or the sound cards sent home before the closure to practise reading them speedily. You can also practise reading green words with the sounds you’ve learned on the Speedy Green Word slideshow.

Red Words

They can also learn these red words:












You can also look at the back of your R@Homebook to see the 100 high frequency words.

You could write them 3 times in a row, like this: 

Look and say

Look, say, cover, write

Look, say, cover, write

Look, say, cover, write













Try and use them in a sentence, like this:

There was a pink rabbit.

Online Games and Activities

Oxford Owl - free eBooks

After the lesson why not head to Oxford Owl to read a free eBook. You will need to create a free account to start, then you can find suitable books using the link below or searching under ‘Levels’ for ‘Read Write Inc Levels’ and choosing a colour from below.

Not sure which books your child should be reading - start with Pink Books and work your way down. Your child should be able to confidently sound out and blend each word. You should read each book at least 3 times, as they would at school: once to read the words correctly, a second time with more fluency, and a third time in a ‘storyteller voice’ that shows their understanding.

Pink Books


Orange Level


Yellow Level


Blue Level


Grey Level

Phonics games - Phonics Play

Once you’ve completed your sounds lesson and practised reading a book, head to Phonics Play for a selection of free games to continue practising your sounds. Children working on Set 3 sounds should play games on the ‘phase 3, 4, 5 or 6’ setting.

Make sure you sign in for free to get access to the complete set of resources using the details below:

Username: march20

Password: home

Offline Games and Activities

Draw and label

Draw a picture and label it or write a sentence using the sounds you know to help you.

Set the clock 

Set the timer to 1 minute. How many words can you write with the ‘oi’ sound? Play with someone at home - who got the most words?

Choose another Set 3 sound to play with.

Mixed up sounds

Pick 3 sounds, what words can you make by moving them around? Watch Mr Thorne to see how it's done.

Track games 

Create a simple game or a track to race along using words with Set 2 and 3 sounds.


Real vs Alien words

Create your own game of Obb and Bob. Write down a selection of real and Alien words and feed them to the correct brother.

Set 2 and 3 Sound Bingo

Each player chooses six Set 2 and 3 sounds and writes them down. The bingo caller then reads out the sounds. If you have that sound cross it off!

You can use these games to help you learn your red and high frequency words too, just put in the words instead of the sounds.