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Part of the Learning in Harmony Trust

"In the Learning in Harmony Trust, we work in harmony to achieve excellence for all. We live and breathe our values and focus on doing things the right way, providing the perfect environment for all our children to flourish and succeed. And with a diverse range of schools in two contrasting locations, we offer a unique opportunity for professionals looking for a challenging and rewarding career in a supportive, creative and forward-thinking environment."
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Blenhein Primary School



Welcome to Year 2! 

Welcome to the Year 2 Curriculum overview for the Spring Term. With our curriculum offer, we strive to ENABLE and INSPIRE children to be happy, healthy and successful in their learning.


Physical education

Your child will continue to have two PE sessions a week: one with their class teacher and another with our PE specialist. Please check your child’s PE day and ensure they are dressed in appropriate PE uniform on these days (jogging bottoms/leggings/white t-shirt, jumper and trainers).


2A: Wednesday and Thursday

2N: Tuesday and Wednesday 

2R: Wednesday and Thursday

Autumn Curriculum



During Year 2, most pupils transition from phonics to whole class reading lessons. In the spring term, some children will continue to learn their sounds, following the RWI programme. They will use these sounds to read books appropriate to their reading level. Once children complete the RWI program they will be developing their comprehension through the programme Talk Through Stories. Within these lessons, children will develop their vocabulary, understanding of characters and the main ideas within a text.

Please record any reading you do with your child in their R@homebook.



In English, we will be reading lots of high quality texts to engage children and spark their imagination. We will use these books as a stimulus for writing, drama and artwork, with a strong focus on developing language.


Students will have opportunities throughout the week to develop their handwriting, spelling, letter formation and sentence structure. This term will be exploring this by writing book reviews, poems and stories. 


Each Friday, spelling words will be shared on Google Classroom and children will be tested the following Friday.

Remember you can practise you handwriting with the help of the Letter Join website

Username: lj5501

Password: home



Our maths learning will focus on:

  • Measurement on length, mass and temperature
  • Using graphs, especially pictograms 
  • Understanding money 
  • Solving word problems 

Each Friday, a few maths questions will be shared on Google Classroom. This will give you a greater understanding of the types of skills pupils are developing in class.

Remember  your child has a Numbots account, their log in details are found in their R@Homebook. 



Through our geography unit ‘Understanding Europe,’ we will be learning:

  • The world’s seven continents and five oceans
  • Locating the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe
  • Identify and understand geographical similarities and differences of a chosen European country
  • Understand where there the Equator, North and South poles are located



Our whole school theme in spring 1  is ‘Dreams and Goals’. We will be encouraging students to consider their own dreams and goals. In spring 2, the school theme will be ‘Healthy Me’. In this unit, pupils will be exploring exercise and nutrition.


Design and Technology

This term, children will have an opportunity to cook a nutritious meal. Pupils will learn about ingredients and produce and what makes a nutritious meal, as well as cooking techniques such as chopping and mixing. 


Through our science unit ‘Growing Plants,’ we will be learning:

  • A variety of common plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees.
  • To identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants


We will also be conducting investigations, asking questions, making observations and performing simple tests.



This term we will have two religion topics. The first is exploring creation stories from Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam. The second will be exploring why people fast, complemented with a visit to a local mosque. 

We encourage pupils to be curious and develop their understanding about different religions as well as allowing children time to reflect on their own beliefs.


  • Homework is uploaded every Friday to Google Classroom
  • A spelling test is taken each Friday and recorded in your child’s Red Homework Book 
  • A ‘Home Project’ is shared at the end of each term, also on Google Classroom
  • Your child is encouraged to borrow a book from the class library at least once a week 
  • Your child is expected to read each night and complete their R@Home Book 

If you are having trouble accessing Google Classroom, have misplaced your child’s Red Book or R@Home Book or have any other questions, please speak to the class teacher or email info@sheringham.lihtrust.uk with your child's name and class in the subject box.

You can visit our subject pages to find out more about how we learn across the curriculum at Sheringham, including our specialist programmes.